



Holland Hexagon

Discovering your career path can be difficult, and deciding what to study in college when you don’t know what your hopes are for your future career can be overwhelming. Career assessments can be a good way to provide yourself with the mental framework you might be looking for to increase awareness of your interests and give you information of major and career paths related to them.
John Holland’s Model of Occupational Themes (The Holland Hexagon) organizes areas of interest to help you find compatible work environments. Based on the 2-3 themes that best fit you, you can find and explore the most relatable majors and careers.
The 6 themes of the Holland Hexagon are RIASEC: Realistic (the doers), Investigative (the thinkers), Artistic (the creators), Social (the helpers), Enterprising (the persuaders), and Conventional (the organizers).

Are You: Logical, Direct, Athletic, A Problem Solver, An Outdoorsperson, Interested by Mechanical Operations, Curious About the Laws of Nature?
Can You: Repair Appliances, Grow and Maintain Plants, Operate Hardware Equipment, Solve Problems Related to Tools, Electrical Appliances, or Machinery, Read Maps?
Do You: Like to Take Things Apart and Put them Back Together, Enjoy Learning How Objects Function, Often Work With Your Hands, Work Outside, Enjoy Physical Exercise?

Are You: Methodical, Curious, Knowledge or Research-Based, Self-Analyzing, Observant, Intellectual?
Can You: Solve Complex Math or Science-Based Problems, Use Laboratory Equipment or Computers, Understand and Interpret Theories Relating to the Sciences, Utilize Formulas Needed For Complex Calculations, Think Theoretically and Conceptually?
Do You: Often Ask “Why,” Like To Explore Concepts or Theories In More Detail, Perform Experiments To Answer Your Questions, Analyze Data, Read More Scientific Literature?

Are You: Creative, Free-Spirited, A Nonconformist, Inventive, Passionate, Inspired, Visionary
Can You: Draw, Paint, Sculpt, or Do Other Types of Art, Find Multiple Ways to Creatively Express Yourself, Play an Instrument, Think creatively, Take and Edit Photographs, Write A Short Story?
Do You: Enjoy Reading Fiction or Fantasy Novels and Poetry, Attend Concerts or Music Festivals, Like to Look at Modern Art in Museums and Art Exhibits, Go to the Theater, Enjoy Working on Crafts?

Are You: Extroverted, Open, Considerate, Friendly
Can You: Communicate with a team, express yourself, manage a group, navigate conflict delicately, be a team player
Do You: Enjoy Being a Teammate, Volunteer/Do Service Work, Participate in Class, Assist Others

Are You: Resourceful, An Initiator, Assertive, Compelling
Can You: Start Something New, Persuade Others, Remain Positive When Things are Difficult
Do You: Take Initiative, Generate New Ideas, Make Impactful Decisions, Stand Up for Yourself

Are You: Structured, Data-Driven, Efficient, Process Follower
Can You: Follow Instructions, Track Data, Communicate Professionally
Do You: Need Guidelines, Understand Data Systems, Take Good Notes