



Career Success Roadmap

The Career Success Roadmap is designed to help you reflect on a series of career questions within the 4 stages of career development: Explore, Experience, Focus, and Thrive.

How do you keep yourself accountable on your career journey?

The Career Success Roadmap is designed to help you identify and work on your next career action step through a series of questions within the 4 stages of career development: Explore, Experience, Focus, and Thrive. Each stage contains reflective questions, small tasks, and suggested tools to help you advance your career goals.


This stage of career development involves increasing self-awareness and getting involved with communities with other people with similar interests (not major). Students involved on-campus are reported to be more likely to experience a positive college experience and an overall sense of belonging.

Start Explore Stage


Experience is absolutely necessary for you to make career decisions. Experience helps you learn about yourself, helps you learn about careers, AND helps you develop skills for your future. These experiences can be achieved by students in 4 years of your SBU career.

Start Experience Stage


Focusing means it’s time for you to dig a little deeper and move beyond surface career-knowledge. How much do you really know about careers? You will want to focus your career interests by nurturing strong relationships, engaging career conversations with career mentors, and deepening your knowledge through career-related organizations.

Start Focus Stage


Thriving involves cultivating a career identity and professional brand that is based on your values, personality, strengths, and skills. Your career interests will change over time. Learning about careers and yourself is a lifelong process.

Start Thrive Stage

Career Center.Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY 11794-3363
Phone: (631)632-6810
@2021 Stony Brook University